Sunday, October 24, 2010

PE4 Adobe Captivate

graphics by Adobe
Adobe Captivate is one of those programs I was shocked to see that Full Sail did not include in our Mac Package.  I'm thinking it was too new for Full Sail to keep up with.  It seems to be the perfect companion for teachers to develop rich, media content into self-paced tutorials.  It seems like the ultimate test for teachers turned designers, and vice-versa.  Beyond PowerPoint, Captivate features multi-branch slides and interactive tests and quizzes.

I want to use Captivate, but the training and examples out there on the web are still rather limited.  It seems the only way to truly learn this program is to get your hands on it and mess with it.

One of the features I am wanting to experience is the multi-branching.  It is my dream to one day create interactive novels, like those old Choose Your Own Adventure books.  Multi-branching also allows the presentation to adjust to the audience.  This is perfect for engaging the audience and for creating self-paced lessons.

For my practical experience project, I will be a cover page for an interactive novel where the reader can choose his or her avatar.

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